Breathwork, Meditation, NLP, Hypnosis, Personal Development, Self Discovery, Pulmonautika, Magick, Breath Magick, Jeandre Gerber

Back to the Roots is a transpersonal breathwork routine with a calming soundscape accompanying the breathwork pattern designed to help unhinge the grip of the conscious mind, and to allow the unconscious mind to wander and do as it pleases.


Throughout the 20-minutes of transpersonal breathing, you’ll be guided periodically to help keep you focused and to encourage you to work through any blockages you may find along the way.


Transpersonal breathwork, as the name suggests – has the ability to go “beyond the person” meaning, you may experience visions, out of body experiences, regressions, or even projections into completely different realities.

Take the voyage beyond the self & Download This Breathwork Experience Right Now!