Breathwork, Meditation, NLP, Hypnosis, Personal Development, Self Discovery, Pulmonautika, Magick, Breath Magick, Jeandre Gerber, Coherent Thunder Breath

Coherent breathing is a slow breathing exercise that provides a myriad of health and wellness benefits. In essence, you slow down the breath to 5-6 breaths per minute. The average adult breathes roughly 12-18 breaths per minute.


When you slow down the breath, you immediately begin to shift the autonomic nervous system into the “parasympathetic mode” (rest/digest) which helps you to relax, destress, and refocus the mind. This is especially a great exercise if you have been stressed or anxious for a prolonged time. Chronic stress is one of the leading causes of diseases and body degradation and tends to make your perception of the world highly myopic.

Furthermore, Coherent breathing increases Heart Rate Variability (HRV) which is indicative of a healthy, more flexible and responsive nervous system. Low HRV – when the heart rate is uniform on both the inhale and the exhale – indicates that the autonomic nervous system is locked in one of its modes. This makes it rigid and incapable of adapting to your surroundings.

Coherent breathing helps balance your ANS, making you more resilient and adaptable to change in your direct environment.

This breath helps calm the mind, reduces tension in the body, optimizes blood flow throughout the body, re-establishes synchrony between the organs, and has helped reduce depression, PTSD, and even attention deficit disorder.

In order to do Coherent Breathing, it’s very simple…simply inhale for 5 seconds, let the breath hover for a second, and then exhale for 5 seconds – also with a slight pause. That’s it.

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