Breathwork, Meditation, NLP, Hypnosis, Personal Development, Self Discovery, Pulmonautika, Magick, Breath Magick

The Breath of Presence is a dynamic created to bring your conscious awareness back to the present moment through a cyclical transpersonal pattern of breathing. This type of breathing can be slightly challenging if it’s your first time breathing, however – below we’ll provide a brief explanation on how to maximize the effects of the breathwork dynamic, and how to properly listen to your body.


This type of breathing has been known to release stuck emotional blockages in the body when practiced for long enough. The Breath of Presence only engages with Transpersonal Breathwork for fifteen minutes after which it slows down into a deep silent meditation.


Due to this toned down version of this breathwork dynamic, it is perfectly safe for solo breathing and can help you release a lot of tension, stress, and even overcome emotional blockages.


Simply focus on the breath and when you feel resistance, you have the option to slow down your breathing and ease into the experience, or focus your breath into the pain and breathe through it.


Ultimately, you have to listen to your body. When doing a solo practice, it is always best to respect the limits of your body. Be sure to treat yourself with love and care. These practices are about self-healing, self-love, and self-discovery.

Take the Plunge & Download this Breathwork Experience Right Now!