Breathwork, Meditation, NLP, Hypnosis, Personal Development, Self Discovery, Pulmonautika, Magick, Breath Magick, Jeandre Gerber, holistic breathwork, Breath Kata, Tummo Fire TamerThe Tummo Fire Tamer is a dynamic breathwork sequence that follows four rounds of deep active breathing (hyperventilation) which culminates in a two minute breath hold. This technique is commonly referred to as Wim Hof breathing, however the true name of the technique is Tummo Breathing which translates to “Inner Fire” breathing.

This ancient Tibetan breathwork technique is designed to boost your internal fire, which means that you can get hot. This is why Wim Hof incorporates ice baths or cold showers as a means of counterbalancing the heat that is generated within. Of course, Wim Hof has a far more complex philosophy – however the general gist of Tummo breathing revolves around visualizing and growing your internal fire.

On a physiological scale, by accelerating your breath frequency you increase the process of separating glucose molecules with oxygen molecules – creating an atomic reaction on a sub atomic level. This is how you produce “energy” inside of the body.

By utilizing the breathing sequence of Tummo, you can then redirect your imagination and use the dynamics of energy creation via the breath to do a number of things such as;



The only limitation to how this breath can be used is your imagination.

In this particular breathwork dynamic – you’ll be guided through four rounds of active breathing, which culminates in a 2-minute breath hold. Mold it to your own desires.


Release Your Internal Fire & Download this Breathwork Experience Right Now!