The Energy Power Breathwork is an intense yet gratifying experience. The bulk of this breathwork routine follows the Transpersonal Breathwork Pattern. More details about this pattern further below.
This complete breathwork session begins with a calm, relaxing meditation, simply grounding you to the moment and to your breath. After roughly 10-minutes, the Transpersonal Portion of the breathwork begins.
For the next 30-minutes, you and your breath will follow an immersive experience deep into the unconscious mind. The sound is designed to allow the body to fully engage with the experience and keep the mind focused on breathing.
After the end of the 30-minutes of breathing, we shift into a 10-minute silent meditation accompanied by the ethereal sounds of the didgeridoo. It is during this phase of the breathwork meditation that you could be flooded with visions, ideas, emotional release, healing, etc.
The entire meditation works towards this one moment, where you break free from your own limitations and push yourself towards a deeper experience of life.
Experience Pure Energy & Download this Breathwork Experience Right Now!