Repeat for 21-days for Optimal Results!
For a while now I’ve been trying to think of a practical way on how to recreate the Reality Distortion Field, which Steve Jobs was known to have. Allegedly Jobs learned how to create a RDF spending time with Robert Friedland, who was an acid dropping, free-loving cult leader…I don’t really know much about Friedland or his technique.
And no matter where I went online, most of the explanations around the RFD fell flat. They would speak the “theory” on how to create it but no-one else seemed to actually have any technique on how you would go about it….
This got me thinking…and tinkering… so here goes my complete practical guide to creating a Reality Distortion Field utilizing The Breath as a main vehicle

What exactly is a Reality Distortion Field?
According to Andy Hertzfeld, one of the OG engineers at Apple;
The reality distortion field was a confounding melange of a charismatic rhetorical style, an indomitable will, and an eagerness to bend any fact to fit the purpose at hand. Amazingly, the reality distortion field seemed to be effective even if you were acutely aware of it, although the effects would fade after Steve departed. We would often discuss potential techniques for grounding it … but after a while most of us gave up, accepting it as a force of nature.
So in essence, Steve Jobs created a mental projection of indomitable will and visualized a field around him where everything harmonizes according to his expectations. Whether he actually visualized it or not, I don’t know – but understanding esoteric techniques, it’s most probably a part of the equation.
However, in order for the RDF to work, Steve had to be Zealous about it, and if someone didn’t gel with it – he would treat the person like shit and try to expel the contrary belief force from his environment. The rule being, “Anything that doesn’t harmonize must go!”
This means either he ejects the invading force, or he leaves the area himself. Typically, the former was his “go to protocol”.

How to Create your Own Reality Distortion Field?
In order to create your own RDF, you’ll go through a process to first get yourself into the right frame of mind, activate the nervous system, and then, via visualization and the breath, send the energy into a field around you.
Step 1 – Clear the Cache
First, you’ll want to empty the mind. You can do this through 3-5 minutes of mindful breathing. Basically, just inhale for 5 seconds, exhale for 6-seconds. With every breath cycle, just release any thought or feeling – allow your mind to empty completely.
Step 2 – InEx Spatial Awareness
The next step is to become aware not only of your body, but also your environment. I call this InEx (internal/external) Spatial Awareness which starts with a basic body scan. Just move your awareness from one body part to the next. I personally like to crisscross appendages in order to play around with left/right dynamics.
For example; Focus in on the left hand, then the right shoulder, then the left shoulder, then the right foot, etc…
Take your time, connect to the different parts of your body. Once you’re fully anchored in the body, extend your awareness to the air around your body, then to the space in between you and the objects in your room, and allow your conscious awareness to fill the space you’re in. Once you feel fully aware of the inner and outer environment, it’s time to charge the solar plexus with the breath.
Step 3 – Charging your Solar Plexus
According to the book, “Yogic Science of the Breath”, Life force energy (prana) is harnessed via the breath and generally first accumulates on the Solar Plexus. Therefore, you’ll engage into 3-5 minutes of Yogic breathing, where you’re visualizing the energy enter into the body and accumulate in the Solar Plexus.
This energy can be imbued with intention, so throughout this process of accumulating and storing the energy, you also want to resonate with the intention of your field (increased luck, attraction, good fortune, dominance, wealth, etc)
Simply breathe with full intention, allowing any and all related thoughts and feelings to influence the Life Force Energy (LFE). When you feel like you’re fully charged up…it’s time to project the RDF.
Step 4 – Create your RDF
Now that you’re fully charged you’ll utilize the “Tesla Breath” to help create the RFD. The Tesla Breath follows a simple breathing pattern of:
3-seconds inhalation
6-second hold
9-second exhalation
Inhale quickly for 3 seconds and when you hold the breath, visualize this charged life force energy in your solar plexus…as you exhale, expand the energy as a sphere from the solar plexus…making it bigger and bigger.
You’ll do 10 rounds of Tesla breathing, on the 11th round completely inhale expanding the belly, the chest, all the way to the top – and hold for 9 seconds with a fully expanded lung. Focus in on the feelings in your body, feel the RDF, then exhale 80-90% of the air in your lungs and go into a 33-second breath hold.
Simply relax, feel your Reality Distortion Field during this time. When you do the recovery breath after the 33-seconds, inhale completely, hold the breath and squeeze the perineum locking the Reality Distortion Field in place.

21-Day Challenge!
You’ll repeat this ritual 21-days (minimum) to allow your neurons to wire together and form a neural network. Ideally, you do this every day to re-set your RDF. As you do this, it will only grow in potency.
Doing this ritual on a mild psychedelic also enhances the visualizations and allows you to connect to the field.
Final Words
This technique is simple and effective to do and can create some significant changes in your life. The trick is to keep on doing it, to reaffirm it, and to make it your reality.
Whenever you see reality bend according to your Reality Distortion Field, make a mental note of it, take in a breath and anchor it into the field. Once you make the RDF, you’re next job is to make it stronger over time!
Thanks for your time, I hope this helps you on your path to greatness.
Good luck Pulmonauts!